Thank you for sharing…
Thank you for sharing… here you’ll find letters and testimonials from mothers and fathers who appreciated Jutta’s contribution in the important weeks before, during and after the birth of their children.
“EOB provides a holistic insight to birthing and gives practical advice for labour. Further the course is actually fun! Thank you Jutta for giving pregnant women and their partners confidence.”
“The Happy Birthing Days online course was one of those important things which gave me faith in myself during my pregnacy.
On the one hand I could feel the expertise from Jutta being a midwife and on the other hand and for me much more important I felt the wonderful energy and faith Jutta is giving in every minute of her work to her clients. I had a wonderful birth and Juttas work made me feel much more secure in letting this magical moment flow.
I higly recommend the course to any pregnant woman. It will give you confidence, great strategies, positive feelings around and faith to the upcoming birth. My partner and me loved the course.”
“Thanks to Jutta´s help by doing NLP-one to one-sessions with me, her online program for parents to be and her birthing classes on the weekend I was able to leave a traumatic birth experience (c-section) behind me. Strengthened and optimistic I was able to give birth the second time. The result: A dream birth (waterbirth in my home) which had a healing impact in regards to the first time I gave birth. Thank you, my dear Jutta with all my heart!”
“Hi Jutta, I just wanted to tell you that our baby, Liliana Rae, was born on Sunday. It was a natural and relatively fast birth with no complications. We were so happy to have a good experience after last time. I just wanted to say thank you to you for helping me to deal with the anxiety and fear I felt at the end of my pregnancy. I watched your whole course and practiced my favorite breathing and visualization exercises each day. I really liked how there were many practical, easy-to-use tools so that I could try out different things, then repeat the ones that resonated the most with me.These definitely helped me deal with the fear and worry beforehand and although I was still nervous in the time leading up, once I got to the hospital I was actually relaxed and ready. I think that really helped things go smoothly! I also really appreciated your positive, judgement-free and empowering tone throughout your class – the message to trust myself was an important one for me too.”
“I first met Jutta in the pregnancy yoga classes. She was a very cheerful and warm person, which was something nice to find on these moments of life.
I then bought her videos on Labor preparation. I can only recommend them! They are full of interesting and useful information and specially full of good Jutta vibes.
She is a tremendous skilled midwife with lots of experience. She shares many different labor stories which helps to understand and not to fear the birth, different techniques to use to prepare yourself for labor and during labor, all seasoned with extreme positiveness (crucial to have a good birth experience).
Thanks Jutta for your time and knowledge!”
“We attended the Happy Birthing weekend course held by Jutta in Berlin in January 2015. Having read those fear-based texts everywhere in the internet, we were gradually giving up on our vision of wonderful, painless experience that we would like a birth to be. Jutta luckily brought us back on the right track. Speaking with her wisdom backed by years of experience, she very professionally walked us through every topic. The course was greatly supported by authentic video-materials and live practice of positions, relaxations, breathing exercises etc. We could have not imagined it better! It was both inspiring and very practical. Made us feel very comfortable and confident in the topic. The course fulfilled our knowledge collected from friends who have experienced beautiful natural births too. We have immediately recommended it to a couple of best friends expecting a baby too. And meeting Jutta is a great honour by itself. We wish her knowledge and experience spreads the world and make all the parents-to-be conscious, calm and happy.”
“Dear Jutta, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this wonderful childbirth class we attended. You do your profession with so much love, energy and commitment, it is clear that being a midwife is your calling. We are overly enthusiastic about your expertise and your marvelous treasure trove of experience. We are very impressed by your openness towards new insights (results of research), retaining established customs at the same time and the tireless effort you put in when it comes to giving birth naturally. The fact that you are so down to earth and easy to be with is wonderful. Our baby girl already loves the sound of your voice and listening to your singing.
You gave us as a couple and each of us self-assurance and strength, so we knew we were on the right path. You empowered me to have trust in myself and my body and to have faith in the force and the wisdom of mother nature.”
“Thanks to Jutta´s help by doing NLP-one to one-sessions with me, her online program for parents to be and her birthing classes on the weekend I was able to leave a traumatic birth experience (c-section) behind me. Strengthened and optimistic I was able to give birth the second time. The result: A dream birth (waterbirth in my home) which had a healing impact in regards to the first time I gave birth. Thank you, my dear Jutta with all my heart!”
“My dearest Jutta,I was very lucky to have been supported by you from the very early stages of my pregnancy. Friends of mine recommended to get in touch with you and I can agree to what they have said to me: Jutta Wohlrab – a huge benefit for mums to be! I suffered migranes in the early stages of pregnancy and later on I started having back aches. Your acupuncture treatments were very effective and calming.
In addition to this you have always had an open ear and came up with constructive solutions and advice when it came to little aches and pains I was facing.
Whenever I felt insecure, you gave me the stability I needed, whenever I have had questions reagarding pregnancy and everthing that comes with it, you were very emphatic and understanding.
I also loved taking part in your pregnancy yoga class, which helped me strengthening the perception of my own body and the ability to rely on my guts feeling. The classes were familiar and you have always had the time to respond to our needs, which was really helpful and gave me a nice feeling. Your positive view towards life shines out into the world which touches me and leads me to always wanting to smile when I am in your company.
My personal opinion ist hat your profession of being a midwife is your passion and I am so greatful that I have had the chance to spend this special time of my life with you!
…a good reason for me and my little Pepe to come and visit your mummy – baby yoga class! Heaps of hugs and lots of love,
“Dear Jutta my husband and me were over the moon and so delighted to join and experience you in your/out antenatale childbirth course. As parents to be we all sat facinated in your midwifery practice in berlin and carefully listened to every word you said, each and every advise you gave and any exciting information you gave us all around birth. As two experienced medical doctors we definitely did not expect that we would learn and get to know so many interesting things about this topic, since we are both quite knowledgeable and do have a medical background. The competence and the your passion that you showed during these two days really is exceptional. You personal style, how you explain things in such easy to understand and fun way, the way you transfer knowledge is just amazing. It came to no surprise that some of us sat there mouth wide open and you could practically see and hear the penny drop. I definitly recommend this Childbirth course to all parents that want to understand and learn about the miracle of birth and want to be prepapred in the best way. My husband and me travelled all the way from Cologne to Berlin to see and experience you live. This was worth 100 %. I knew you and your amazing style of teaching from a hormonyoga course I really enjoy your warm, very much alive way of teaching even complictaed things .. you make the look and feel very easy. Every since I am a big fan of yours. Keep on going the world needs more Jutta’s.
ps My little boy has been born and it was the most wonderful life-expererience that I could think of and this is certaily due to your tips, tricks and everything I learned from you .
Thank you Jutta much love”,